The days may not always be easy
And some nights may be filled with tears
But the love that overwhelms my heart when I look at you
Would last ten lifetimes plus infinity years
When you first entered the world, I had it all wrong
I thought my sole job was to protect and teach you
But by and by I’m seeing it differently
I now think I know my truth
Yes, there's a lot to teach
Because there's so much you don’t know
But the more I look in your eyes and see who you are
I understand that you were placed with me to help heal my soul

When I allow you to speak and listen to you
You speak so profoundly in the simplest of ways
You ask me questions that make me dig deep
As we converse with a deep soul gaze
I’ll never forget this one time
You were jumping off of a table repeatedly
I asked you to stop before you got hurt
And that’s when you reminded me
You said, “Mom, you told me I could do anything.”
Which was valid…it was true
Then I explained that I was scared
I didn’t want you to do anything that could harm you
I named a few things that could happen
“What if you fall and hit your head?”
Then, puzzled, you looked back at me and asked
“But what if I land instead?”
It’s moments like this that make me know
I was given a gift in you
So I will cherish, love, and protect
Who you are today and the person you’re growing into
So in that moment you taught me a lesson
That life lives beyond our fears
And in that moment I made a decision
To allow some cultural norms to disappear
For example, I’ll never tell you certain things
Like, “Stay in a child’s place”
Because in my heart I know for sure
Wherever I am, is where you belong – living life with extended grace
I promise to answer all your questions when I can
And my response won’t be “Because I said so”
I want you to see the world through a lens of your own
I want you to allow your heart’s creativity to flow
I want you to feel confident in knowing
I will always protect you and your being
From all of the people who don’t understand you
Even if they consider themselves to be well meaning
I never want to imagine life without everything you give
The kisses, the laughs, and the many hugs each day
When you feel like something is wrong with me
You extend your hand and ask if you can pray
Because of you, I’m living life with no fear
And being the best mom I can
Showing up in all my moments
Believing that when I jump – I’m going to land!
Copywritten ©2021; All rights reserved. No part of this blog/article/website may be reproduced or used in any manner without the written consent of the author except for the use of cited quotations in a review.
love this!